Thankful for a Classmate?

So, as you may know (if you live in America), today is Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Day, you basically list out everything you're thankful for because you are asked that particular question at least 100 times. "What are you thankful for?" Well, it just so happens, that for this class I was again asked this question. However, there was a twist to this question. It was turned into who exactly are you thankful for? But, it didn't stop there. The madness continued. Who in this class, are you thankful for? Honestly, I don't think that's a fair question. I think if I were to praise and and just list out all of the great things about one person....well, others would be left out. So, I don't think I want to chose. But in all seriousness, if I completely had to....chose. I'm talkin' really had to person. Just one. That I am thankful for. One. Not two. If you can count, it wouldn't be three. Could be fou....wait no just one. That specific individual would have to know..that one...with the to that girl...behind that guy...that sits kinda dia...gonal or maybe horizontal from that one guy. Sort of on the side of that person...almost approximately two sits in front (or maybe behind). That could be anyone right? Honestly, I am thankful for everyone in this class. Every single person. Because seriously, I learn more from you guys than from Mr. McCarthy. aha just kidding (maybe...)

I am a Plow? (human or machine?)

So, I went to google, typed "I am a Plow" in the search bar and clicked enter. The results varied from ATV Plows to Snow Plows to Farmer Brown's Plow Shop. I am not exactly sure what a legit plow is. Aren't they machines that push stuff around? Like snow? According to, a plow (plou) n. is a farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing. Oh, and it also can be used as verb meaning to break and turn up earth with a plow and to undertake (a task, for example) with eagerness and vigor.Well if I were to compare myself to a plow, my actions really wouldn't resemble those of a Plow. Since I'm not controlled by a farm worker and used to move dirt. But, that's all on the surface. Obviously, I'm not a plow... I'm a human. Metaphorically, I could be a "plow". In the sense that a plow, pushes things around and and gets rid of whatever is in the way. But, I wouldn't say that I am a plow. I'm not a bully. Which a plow kinda is. If a plow were a human, which it is not. A plow takes out whatever is in its path and destroys it. I defiantly do not. Therefore, I am not a plow.
Well, I will start off by stating some facts. This class is my most entertaining and interesting class. Unlike World Studies, I tend not to sleep in it. Even though it is really early in the morning (2nd period). Last, this class does not need any form of improvement. I know a majority of that could have been considered simply opinion, but seriously I don't really think I would have any opposing opinions. So they must be facts. duh. Anyway, if I was forced at gun point to make a suggestion, I would have to say that maybe adding more frequent visits to the tech lab for class, or maybe even going outside a few times....would be great.  I'm sick of looking at the back of Anna's head and that chalkboard...and sitting in those uncomfortable metal chairs. So, yeah best class ever. The end.
Today, there has been an instant wide spread of conformity. Conformity can be easily defined as the process by which an individual's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are influenced by what is conceived to be what other people might perceive (as defined by So, in many words that is basically saying that conformity is when people change their ideas, their morals, or even themselves because of other people. Obviously you're probably reading this right now thinking...what is this girl talking about? How is this possibly slavery? Slavery is when someone is forced into labor. Sorry to say it but you are incorrect. Slavery maybe when someone is forced into labor etc. but seriously, I do consider conformity slavery. A slave to society. 
Conformist tend not to think themselves. They are controlled by acts of others and they are very much like puppets being controlled by their masters. Of course, conformity is a choice in some cases. Sometimes people just want to fit in. So they change themselves. But other times you don't have a choice? I mean are forced to change yourself, and dismiss your own believes because being yourself could be dangerous? I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting at. But, anyway I'm just saying that those conformists are slaves in their own way. In a milder form that is. Do slaves always have to be forced into slavery?