Propangda 2011? [are they lying to us?!?!]

Propaganda [prop-uh-gan-duh] noun:information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
Examples of such propaganda were clearly exhibited in President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address presented on January 25.  Obama used the word "invest" multiple times within his speech. Each time, he was listing out more and more things that the government (which isn't having the best time financially right now) should spend money on. Obama replaced "spend" with "invest" simply to deceive the viewers and audience into believing that what ever the money is being used for is not a waste and for the most part, will turn out to be a beneficial investment. You see? Obama states "...and in a few weeks, I will be sending a budget to Congress that helps us meet that goal.  We’ll invest in biomedical research, information technology, and especially clean energy investment that will strengthen our security, protect our planet, and create countless new jobs for our people." Obama continues to say that "Countries in Europe and Russia invest more in their roads and railways than we do.  China is building faster trains and newer airports.  Meanwhile, when our own engineers graded our nation’s infrastructure, they gave us a 'D'...We’ll put more Americans to work repairing crumbling roads and bridges.  We’ll make sure this is fully paid for, attract private investment, and pick projects based [on] what’s best for the economy, not politicians" IS this all completely necessary? Obama gives the impression that our country has a gazillion dollars laying around to "invest" and people probably believe it too. I personally have nothing against Barack Obama. I was just told to find an example of propaganda, right?

We got the beat to move yo feet [...Beat Street!]

Alright, so in class for the past week we have been watching Beat Street. There are probably about 5 minutes left in the movie, but I expect that we are not going to go back to it. The movie covers the dancing styles of the train painting delinquents in New York. The movie reminds me of a lower budget version of the Step Up movies. They seem to have a same concept, but obviously the Step Up movies are much better. I do not mean to be "hating" on this movie but... honestly many of the dance scenes tend to drag on and on. When you think they are over, a kid turns around and does another flip for another 20 minutes. I make the movie sounds way worse than it is. It honestly was not that bad... really. I am not going to lie, the break dancing was pretty intense and the music decent. Oh and the head spinning

All I wanted was some attention!!!1!1! [Craving some?]

Imagine a universe that is completely opposite from the one you are currently living in. In this universe, you are the absolute center. Everywhere you go, all cater to you and pay nothing but attention. You never have to worry about being ignored or feeling invisible. Everyone has their eyes on you. Sounds great huh? Most could only dream of this. But, this could only be a dream. Since, obviously it can't be possible to be recognized by everyone.To have everyone on the planet listening to you,or at least care to listen to you. To have everyone just give you some attention.
In chapter 1 of Black Boy, Richard finds himself unconsciously acting out. There is an instance were he goes to school for the first time and learns various "four-letter words." he doesn't quite comprehend what the words mean, but he still joyfully skips around the neighborhood still stopping to write them on every window. This kid clearly wanted attention. I know there were times especially when I was younger were I would learn things, and obnoxiously repeat them (or when it came to learning my ABC's, recite them) just so I could be congratulated and told how smart I am.
Earlier on in the Chapter, there was the fire incident. Richard just wanted to see some curtains burn right? Could this be a cry for attention? It could. Richard might seem like the typical attention-craving youngster. However, this may have just been an accident. Richard may not have even had the intention of burning anything...but the curtains. He may have just wanted to see some fire. The incident does not have to be automatically connected to him being deprived of attention.
I know I for one like burning things, and I of course could careless if anyone is watching or giving me attention.