The Trick of Writing? [you want tips??...I give you tips]

Personally, I believe a "good writer" should be able to write decently in any situation. In any situation. That including like sitting on the ground outside, Indian style, in the snow, with only a pencil and paper. I don't exactly understand what I'm writing. So, I will continue this in some other direction. 

I have taken the liberty of compiling a list of two"helpful" tips...for the ones with an ambition to  become a famous writer or [insert writing involved job here]. Here it is:

First, and probably the most important tip...with technology these days, there is no need for editing your words. Honestly, thinking while you write or type just is an overall better way to go. Also, doing so is much more "creative" and for the most part unconscious. The words will seem more descriptive and will easily paint a picture for the reader because it is coming straight from your mind. You know what I mean?

Second, and probably a lot more important than the your words out loud. If you can not read your own writing, then obviously no one else will be able to either. If the sentences don't sound right or seem lengthy, correct it. 

There you are. Some tips to perfect your future writings. Obviously, I'm no bestselling author but, I am a high school student... that's got to count for something right?


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