So, if you read the short little preaching made by Jonathan Edwards, you will completely understand what follows. However, if you didn't or have forgotten the main idea of it, I would definitely recommend reading or re-reading the thing. Anyway, here I go.
    In one specific preaching of John Edwards, he spoke of God's mighty wrath and how if you don't live exactly as the puritans did you are most likely going to experience the great and mighty wrath of an "Angry God." This preaching was ultimately directed towards sinners and the purpose may have been to tell them to follow God or die. As an example, Edwards states that "the wrath of God is like great waters that are damned for the present; they increase more and more and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given; and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is its course when once it is let loose." In this section, Edwards is speaking of the power God has and how at any moment, at any second, God can be angered by a sinner and release his great force onto him. However, today, the God worshiped by modern Christians is mainly viewed as a loving and caring God. This is very contrary to what is being exhibited in the preaching by Edwards. The God they worshiped may have been different than today, but the idea of fearing God and his wrath, still exists.


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