just a little introduction.

So for this blog, my first entry is going to be about myself. Thus, I will start off by saying that my name is Chigo, and I am currently in the beginning of my sophomore year. I am basically fully Nigerian (that's a country in West Africa). Also, I would say that when it comes to school, I am a very good student. I guess I could say that I'm bilingual. Since, I'm fluent in English and well taking Spanish Class. I love soccer. I've been playing it since forever. Almost everyone in my family plays it too so yeah. Besides, soccer I'm not really into sports. Except like baseball, basketball and track and such. So I guess I am into sports. More about me? Well, my birthday is sometime in June. This making me fifteen years old. Also, my favorite food has to probably be pizza. It's so good. I can live off pizza, X-Factor Berry+Fruit Punch Gatorade and twix milkyways. That would be enough. If I was stuck on a desert island, I would probably bring an ipod (and charger), outlets, gps, laptop and a book. Oh and my favorite foods. That would be completely enough.
My goals for this class (American Lit.) and this school year would probably be to one, do well. I'm not sure  anyone would not want to do so. Also, I would like to understand and completely absorb everything I learn. Meaning that I want to remember everything I learn for years to come. Not just for the year or semester but forever. Third, I would say that I would want to study more and not procrastinate. So far I think I'm doing a pretty good job with that.


    I didn't know you played soccer Chigo! That's really cool. My favorite food is pizza too! :)
    Also, I don't think there's electricity on a desert island for outlets :) Hope you have a good year!

    On September 23, 2010 at 9:56 PM Anonymous said...

    Hola Lola :) I like your fishies ma'am. Ok now to something more relevant to what you wrote about,I completely agree with you on breaking your habit of procrastination I think I am one of the biggest procrastinators and I can see how that can be a severe problem. But it's something that can be worked on....eventually :D Love the blog Chigo


    Indigoe- I said I was bringing outlets so..obviously there is electricity...duh


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