There's a question that can be easily debated and can be greatly supported with evidence on both sides. Based on the title, you must have guessed it. John Proctor: Hero or Stooge? 
For all of you who don't exactly know what a stooge is (I know I didn't), I have oh so kindly decided to look it up for you. Well, based on wikipedia (which is always completely accurate), a stooge is generally defined as a person that is under the control of another. Being called a stooge is not a form of praise. Stooge can also sometimes be used to mean "idiot".
On the other hand, a hero would be considered as a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. After reading Act I of the Crucible, John Proctor for the most part (as I interpreted) shows no signs of stooge-ness. On the contrary, many of his actions show maturity and Heroism.  
After Abigail confronted John about their affair and stated "I am waitin’ for you every night." John replied "Abby, you’ll put it out of mind. I’ll not be comin’ for you more. You know me better." This shows the change in John. He realized that his relationship with Abigail was morally wrong and even though he did make the mistake of lusting for her and pursuing in sexual acts while married to Elizabeth, He tried to right his wrongs and end it with Abby. This is key in the decision of whether or not John Proctor would be considered a Hero or Stooge.
A hero is not always someone who has never done something wrong or someone who has never made a false move or mistake. A hero can be someone who has chosen to help others and himself (In this case, John's moral right was in some ways purified by this act. As well as, benefited Abigail whether she see it as a blessing or not). 
Ending the affair with Abigail was a honorable act on John Proctor's part. It takes a true hero to understand where they have wronged, and identify the need for improvement. Thus, John Proctor is a true hero. 
    So, if you read the short little preaching made by Jonathan Edwards, you will completely understand what follows. However, if you didn't or have forgotten the main idea of it, I would definitely recommend reading or re-reading the thing. Anyway, here I go.
    In one specific preaching of John Edwards, he spoke of God's mighty wrath and how if you don't live exactly as the puritans did you are most likely going to experience the great and mighty wrath of an "Angry God." This preaching was ultimately directed towards sinners and the purpose may have been to tell them to follow God or die. As an example, Edwards states that "the wrath of God is like great waters that are damned for the present; they increase more and more and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given; and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is its course when once it is let loose." In this section, Edwards is speaking of the power God has and how at any moment, at any second, God can be angered by a sinner and release his great force onto him. However, today, the God worshiped by modern Christians is mainly viewed as a loving and caring God. This is very contrary to what is being exhibited in the preaching by Edwards. The God they worshiped may have been different than today, but the idea of fearing God and his wrath, still exists.

So in this world (well in America)  there are two major groups of individuals. I would say that those groups would include: majority (white/ Caucasians be politically correct) and minority (everyone else). I would say that I fall in the minority category. You know based on my origin of ancestry. However, since the civil rights movement and such, those of African-American descent have under law been created equal to those of the majority. I, on the other hand, do not entire believe that all have created African-Americans equal. I am surely convinced that based on my experience (which I will share with you in a couple of moments) you will completely agree with me, or at least understand where I am coming from.

So it all started in my infancy, when my parents moved me and my siblings to a small street on Chicago's North Side somewhere in Lincoln Park. As I grew up, I noticed that everyone on my street (that meaning my neighbors) were indeed white (or Caucasians to be politically correct). Every time, I went to the neighborhood playground with my mom and sister, all of the kids (white of course) would runaway from me as if had a disease (chicken pox perhaps). Most of the time I would think we were playing tag so, I would proceed to chase them. But, of course, I would never catch them. I never fully understood what was wrong with me and what exactly made me different. Until, I got a little older and realized that the parents of those kids probably thought I was some hoodlum at a young age, who would steal their kids' toys.

just a little introduction.

So for this blog, my first entry is going to be about myself. Thus, I will start off by saying that my name is Chigo, and I am currently in the beginning of my sophomore year. I am basically fully Nigerian (that's a country in West Africa). Also, I would say that when it comes to school, I am a very good student. I guess I could say that I'm bilingual. Since, I'm fluent in English and well taking Spanish Class. I love soccer. I've been playing it since forever. Almost everyone in my family plays it too so yeah. Besides, soccer I'm not really into sports. Except like baseball, basketball and track and such. So I guess I am into sports. More about me? Well, my birthday is sometime in June. This making me fifteen years old. Also, my favorite food has to probably be pizza. It's so good. I can live off pizza, X-Factor Berry+Fruit Punch Gatorade and twix milkyways. That would be enough. If I was stuck on a desert island, I would probably bring an ipod (and charger), outlets, gps, laptop and a book. Oh and my favorite foods. That would be completely enough.
My goals for this class (American Lit.) and this school year would probably be to one, do well. I'm not sure  anyone would not want to do so. Also, I would like to understand and completely absorb everything I learn. Meaning that I want to remember everything I learn for years to come. Not just for the year or semester but forever. Third, I would say that I would want to study more and not procrastinate. So far I think I'm doing a pretty good job with that.